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1. Bin XN, Gao YB, Pan M, Lian ZL, Cheng YZ, Wu JQ*, He MF*. Anti-inflammatory effects of 6S-5-methyltetrahydrofolate-calcium on RAW264.7 cells and zebrafish. Life Sci. 2023 Aug 15; 327:121839.

2. Zhang SR, Pan M, Gao YB, Fan RY, Bin XN, Qian ST, Tang CL, Ying HJ, Wu JQ*, He MF*. Efficacy and mechanism study of cordycepin against brain metastases of small cell lung cancer based on zebrafish. Phytomedicine. 2023 Jan; 109:154613.

3. Wu JQ, Fan RY, Zhai J, Li CY, Wei P, Shen LZ, He MF*, Wang P*, Huang XE*. Docetaxel and 5-FU enhanced the inhibitory effects of apatinib and ramucirumab on growth and migration of gastric cancer. Life Sci. 2022 May 1; 296:120439. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2022.120439. Epub 2022 Feb 27.

4. Zhai J, Wu JQ†, Wang YH, Fan RY, Xie GP, Wu FF, He YN, Qian ST, Tan AM, Yao XQ, He MF*, Shen LZ*. Prediction of Sensitivity and Efficacy of Clinical Chemotherapy Using Larval Zebrafish Patient-Derived Xenografts of Gastric Cancer. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Jun 7; 9: 680491.

5. Wu JQ, Fan RY, Zhang SR, Li CY, Shen LZ, Wei P, He ZH, and He MF*. A systematical comparison of anti-angiogenesis and anti-cancer efficacy of ramucirumab, apatinib, regorafenib and cabozantinib in zebrafish model[J]. Life Science, 2020 Apr 15, 247: 117402.

6. Wu JQ†, Zhai J†, Li CY, Tan AM, Wei P, Shen LZ*, and He MF*. Patient-derived xenograft in zebrafish embryos: a new platform for translational research in gastric cancer[J]. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research, 2017, 36(1): 160.



